Guitar guide
Guitar guide     

“The Riddle Song”

“The Riddle Song”

Additional lyrics:

How can there be a cherry that has no stone?
How can there be a chicken that has no bone?
How can there be a story that has no end?
How can there be a baby with no cryin’?

A cherry when it’s blooming it has no stone.
A chicken when it’s pipen, it has no bone,
The story of I love you, it has no end,
And a baby when it’s sleeping, there’s no cryin’.

After playing it through with the chords, try the tablature version. This very simple arpeggio works well, and it demonstrates how sometimes less can be more.

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УИЛКИНС (Wilkins) Губерт (1888-1958) , американский полярный исследователь, летчик. В 1913-39 участник ряда арктических и антарктических экспедиций, в т. ч. экспедиции Х. Свердрупа на подводной лодке "Наутилус" (1931). Совершил ряд полетов над Центр. Арктикой и Зап. Антарктидой (1927-30), участник поисков в Центр. Арктике С. А. Леваневского (1937-1938).