Guitar guide
Guitar guide     

Sitting Correctly

Sitting Correctly

First, sit comfortably in an upright chair as illustrated above. I recommend using the classical position, with the left foot raised on a footstool or other support, because this provides the easiest access to all parts of the guitar. The height of the footstool will vary according to your height, but for most people four to six inches is enough to provide good support. Adjustable folding footstools are widely available at music stores at moderate cost and are the most convenient solution. However, in the early stages anything that raises and supports the foot will do.

To look at your hands, lean forward rather than pulling the guitar back. It is important to keep the guitar upright. As you look to your left at the tuning machines, keep them about the level of your shoulder; the axis of the guitar should not become too vertical.

The informal right-leg position. The sketch shows the position favored by the versatile Laurindo Almeida, a master of both classical and Latin American styles

The informal right-leg position. The sketch shows the position favored by the versatile Laurindo Almeida, a master of both classical and Latin American styles.

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