Guitar guide
Guitar guide     



Sometimes we need to divide notes into uneven amounts. The commonest example of this is the triplet, in which three notes occupy a single beat. Here is the conventional count in common time:

The number counts are evenly spaced as usual. The “Two-and-a” should be an even three occupying the second beat. Try tapping it out as well. Then see if you can work out the study below.

It is very important to understand the triplets, because we will be using them extensively in all styles of music.

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ЯВОРСКИЙ Болеслав Леопольдович (1877-1942) , российский музыковед и пианист, доктор искусствоведения. Создал теорию т. н. ладового ритма. Один из организаторов Народной консерватории в Москве (1906). Труды по теории музыки, истории исполнительских стилей. Автор музыкальных произведений. Профессор Киевской (с 1916) и Московской (с 1938) консерваторий.