Guitar guide
Guitar guide     



As a general rule, the same finger does not perform successive rest strokes. It takes too much time to prepare the same finger for a second stroke when another finger could be ready to start. The commonest way to play a passage of single notes is to alternate the index (i) and middle (m) fingers. The motion is like walking the fingers in place—as one plays, the other moves back to be ready for the next note.

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АЙЮБ ХАН Мухаммед (1907-74) , президент Пакистана в 1960-69, лидер Мусульманской лиги в 1963-69. В 1951-54 и 1956-58 главнокомандующий вооруженными силами; после государственного переворота 1958 глава военного режима.