Guitar guide
Guitar guide     

Preparing the Nails

Preparing the Nails

With a nylon-strung classical guitar, the best sound is produced by playing with the nails. The right-hand nails should be long enough to catch and play the string, but no longer, because a long nail is an impedance and is more likely to break. As a guide, when you look at your hand with the palm facing you, you should see a ridge of nail projecting just above the fingertip and following its contour.

The nails should be shaped with a “diamond dust” or similar nail file, and after shaping a very fine finishing paper (600 grade or better) may be used to polish off any rough edges. The result will be a pure tone with no scratch to it.

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СИГЕЛ (Segal) Джордж (р . 1924), американский художник. В 1960-е гг. выдвинулся в число ведущих скульпторов США, создавая близкие поп-арту меланхолические композиции, где белые гипсовые фигуры (слепки с натурщиков) объединены с мебелью и др. элементами реальной среды в целостные инвайронменты.