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Rhythm of Soleares

Rhythm of Soleares

The soleares is one of the best known flamenco forms. It is a serious form, but a fast version of it developed into the popular bulerías, a humorous gypsy dance involving clowning gestures and steps.

Here is a soleares introduction, followed by typical falsetas. The 12 beats of the rasgueado segment are normally accented on 3, 6, 8, and 10, and the 11 and 12 beats are weak or silent.

Study Notes, Soleares

A. In the opening rasgueado, written in 12/4, remember to stress 3, 6, 8, and 10.

B. The falsetas are written in 3/4 because it is easier to read and understand this way, even though there is still a feeling of 12. Observe the accent where marked by the symbol >.

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